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  • Location:

    • Poland/Ukraine

  • Industry:

    • E-commerce

  • Technologies:

    • BackEnd - Yii2 + Rest API

    • FrontEnd - HTML/CSS, JS

  • Team:

    • 10+ specialists

  • Solution:

    • Individual website online store

Paradobuvi is a wholesale online store that has conquered the markets of Ukraine and Poland. It collaborates directly with brands and manufacturers, ensuring priority shipment to customers and fair prices for all product categories.

We assisted the client in developing a new custom website and content management system that takes into account all internal company processes. Additionally, we took care of SEO by implementing all necessary tools for search engine optimization and optimizing the site's performance on various devices, achieving a Pagespeed score of 90+.



At the outset, we discussed with Paradobuvi representatives the vision for the future website and aligned expectations. Since the client provided us with ready-made design layouts, alongside studying the company and its processes, we also conducted an analysis of the proposed UI.

Here are the tasks we completed during the pre-production stage:

  • Conducted research on the client's existing online store.

  • Explored the possibility of integrating the new website with the services already used by the company, particularly inventory management and order processing systems.

  • Reviewed the ready-made design layouts.

  • Compiled a list of UI enhancements that could improve the user experience.


One of the client's top priorities was ensuring good website performance across all devices. To achieve this goal, we chose the Yii2 PHP framework as the primary server-side technology and opted for Rest API technology for secure and reliable data exchange between different services.

For the client-side implementation of the website, we decided to build it using standard technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allowed us to achieve the desired performance results without compromising during development.



The project was developed in coordination with the client's IT department. Therefore, to organize the processes effectively, we established collaboration based on the flexible Agile methodology. The development process itself consisted of several main stages:

  1. Research: Studying the client's business and project discussions. Reviewing design layouts, compiling a list of enhancements, and monitoring their implementation.

  2. Design: Creating project documentation and UX prototype in coordination with the client's team. Selecting the technological stack.

  3. Programming: Developing the server-side and client-side parts of the website and CMS using the previously chosen technologies. Executing API integrations with external services such as inventory management system, Binotel IP telephony, etc.

  4. QA Testing: After completing technical development, we thoroughly tested and debugged all modules and systems of the website.


  • Unique website and content management system developed.

  • Localization of the resource for hosting in different domain zones — Ukraine and Poland.

  • Tools for SEO optimization of the resource implemented according to the client's specialist requirements.

  • Website integrated with the client's inventory management program, synchronizing inventory levels and purchase requests.

  • Website optimization carried out to achieve target performance metrics for various devices.



Our team has delivered an efficient business tool for the client. The new website boasts a well-designed and thoughtful interface, demonstrating high performance. Thanks to the carefully chosen technology stack, it can handle an unlimited number of orders simultaneously. Collectively, this opens up excellent opportunities for Paradobuvi's further development.

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